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This little lady has had my heart since she was born in October 2019. The daughter of a good friend, I loved photographing her newborn collection a year ago and all her little milestones since. We managed to do a mini 100 days session, a super cute sitter session (click here!) and this last one, was for her first birthday cake smash.

All milestones are captured in my minimalist, less is more style. Just like with my newborn sessions, I want the lighting to be perfect, so it can highlight as much of the baby's features as possible in a striking way and let their little personality shine through... instead of it all getting lost and diluted in too many other distractions that can steal your focus.

Baby Amaya has eyelashes for days! The most gorgeous mix of her parents. The most infectious smile and the cheekiest little head tilt, like she knows how cute she is. For her cake smash, I personally baked a baby friendly cake (the kind I baked my own Anya for her first birthday without sugar and crazy ingredients). The set up was done at my home studio, making the most of my 4 meter wide floor to ceiling windows, and it was all about her having sensory play fun. Photographing her curiosity as she poked, squished and tasted her way through it all. To finish up, we did a little bath to clean up. I love how the series of images tell a story together, show her personality and illustrate how much she has grown.

When I resume my photography sessions from April 21, I look forward to welcoming little ones into my home studio for more minimalist style milestone sessions. Click below to contact me to book your little one's mini milestone photography sessions in advance, to avoid disappointment. I ony take on a minimal number of sessions monthly.

Hong Kong baby milestone cake smash photographer Lullaby Images
Hong Kong baby milestone cake smash photographer Lullaby Images
Hong Kong baby milestone cake smash photographer Lullaby Images
Hong Kong baby milestone cake smash photographer Lullaby Images
Hong Kong baby milestone cake smash photographer Lullaby Images
Hong Kong baby milestone cake smash photographer Lullaby Images
Hong Kong baby milestone cake smash photographer Lullaby Images
Hong Kong baby milestone cake smash photographer Lullaby Images
Hong Kong baby milestone cake smash photographer Lullaby Images
Hong Kong baby milestone cake smash photographer Lullaby Images
Hong Kong baby milestone cake smash photographer Lullaby Images
Hong Kong baby milestone cake smash photographer Lullaby Images
Hong Kong baby milestone cake smash photographer Lullaby Images

I am a Hong Kong based photographer specialising exclusively in newborn and baby portraits, establishing Lullaby Images in 2016. I have extensive training in newborn baby posing and safety. I am a mum to a fiercely independent toddler who loves little adventures. With both professional and personal experience with tiny humans, baby safety and comfort is at the heart of all my photo sessions. 

I hate saying 'no'. Help me say it less by reaching out to talk about your newborn photography session well before your due date. I only take on a limited number of bookings a month and many Mamas reach out to me in their second trimester to book in their sesion.

Special announcement:

I am currently on maternity leave until April 2021.

Taking bookings for photography sessions from my home studio

for newborns with due dates and milestone sessions from June 2021+

[April & May 2021 is fully booked]